Happy Twos-Day!

TuTu’s, Ties, Tie Dye, and Twinning all to celebrate 2/22/22 on Tuesday.

LHS Dance at 2:22 p.m.

Sarah Hester, Editor

All across the school district, Tuesday, February 22, 2022, was celebrated. Primary School celebrated it by wearing TuTus, Ties, Tennis Shoes, Tiaras, and Tie Dye, the Elementary School celebrated the same way, except the LES cafeteria served tacos for taco Tuesday. Middle School celebrated it by wearing TuTus, Ties, or Twinning with a friend, as well as serving tacos in the LMS cafeteria. High School celebrated the day by wearing TuTus and Ties, as well as having a dance party at 2:22 p.m. Teachers and students participated in the one-of-a-kind spirit day! Happy Twos-Day!